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Omar Abou Khaled



Seinbiose is a project carried out in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Of Western Switzerland and the School of Health in Fribourg, which aims to improve the well-being of breast cancer patients, focusing primarily on alopecia, one of the main symptoms of cancer caused by chemotherapy. The main aim of the app is to improve the self-esteem of breast cancer patients and inform them in advance, so that they are not left helpless when the first symptoms appear….

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App for the management of Crohn’s disease

App for the management of Crohn’s disease

This mobile application allows people affected by Crohn’s disease to better manage their symptoms and to better understand the causes of discomfort. Crohn’s disease is, according to the Inselspital Darmzentrum Bern (2018), a “chronic inflammatory bowel” disorder that can cause inflammation from the mouth to the rectum. When a person with this disease has an attack, several areas, especially in the intestines, may become acutely inflamed at the same time. Vomiting may also occur because of the areas affected by…

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Silver&Home Gerontopôle Fribourg: Technologies with Seniors

Silver&Home Gerontopôle Fribourg: Technologies with Seniors

The Silver & Home project conducts research on gerontechnologies, for a better quality of life for seniors at home or in EMS. The Silver & Home project of the Gérontopôle Fribourg/Freiburg, a competence center on ageing in the canton of Fribourg, seeks to improve the match between products and services developed by companies and the needs of seniors. Silver&Home collaborates with companies that offer gerontechnologies in their product or service catalog, with service providers in the field of ageing, and…

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Room of errors

Room of errors

This project recreated in virtual reality the exercise of the room of errors, well known in the field of care. The “Room of Errors” is a modern version of a classic teaching method currently used in the training of nursing students. It involves finding errors and potential threats to a patient in a care environment, such as a hospital room. Generally, this exercise is carried out in the Simulation Center of the University of Applied Sciences Fribourg, set up as…

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Asepsis training in virtual reality

Asepsis training in virtual reality

This virtual reality application allows HEdS-FR students to practice asepsis during a blood test. Medical errors are estimated to be the third leading cause of death in the United States with 250,000 deaths per year after heart disease and cancer. Surgical site infections is one of the nine most common errors. Infection control is therefore a key element in the training of nurses and several practical simulation activities are carried out during the training. In this regard, rooms in the…

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Augmented reality mannequin

Augmented reality mannequin

This augmented reality application allows HEdS-FR students to practice wound analysis. It can be used at home. The Simulation Center of the Haute École de santé Fribourg is equipped with medium-fidelity mannequins for the training of nursing students. Several activities are conducted with these mannequins, which simulate breathing, pulse, voice (by an operator), etc. This medium fidelity mannequin does not allow for the simulation of certain behaviors, such as pupil dilation. Although it is possible to make the mannequin bleed,…

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App for the management of Multiple Sclerosis

App for the management of Multiple Sclerosis

This mobile application aims to support people affected by multiple sclerosis in managing the disease. Multiple sclerosis (MS for short) is an autoimmune disease affecting about 15,000 people in Switzerland. The exact cause of this disease remains unknown. The evolution of the disease is very unpredictable and variable depending on the patient (symptoms affect bodily/cognitive abilities as well as perception, thought and recognition). The follow-up of this disease is very important because people can have very important variations in their…

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Simulated environment for virtual tours and training

Simulated environment for virtual tours and training

This tool allows you to create virtual tours from photos of an apartment and to add interactive elements to the tour. Creating environments similar to real-life situations, such as an elderly person’s apartment, is particularly important in the training of students. This allows students to transfer what they have learned more easily into daily practice. The Simulation Center of the Haute École de Santé Fribourg aims at simulating different environments, such as a hospital, a nursing home room or a…

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