Augmented reality mannequin

Augmented reality mannequin

This augmented reality application allows HEdS-FR students to practice wound analysis. It can be used at home.

The Simulation Center of the Haute École de santé Fribourg is equipped with medium-fidelity mannequins for the training of nursing students. Several activities are conducted with these mannequins, which simulate breathing, pulse, voice (by an operator), etc. This medium fidelity mannequin does not allow for the simulation of certain behaviors, such as pupil dilation. Although it is possible to make the mannequin bleed, this requires significant implementation by the teachers.

The goal of augmented reality would be to superimpose images on the mannequin to simulate behaviors and situations of the mannequin that would be difficult to simulate with physical equipment. For example, currently, for wound care training, printed images of wounds are pasted on the surface of the mannequin.

In order to improve the immersion of the students during these trainings, we explored the use of augmented reality to visualize wounds on the surface of the mannequin. A first application for the Microsoft Hololens headset was developed. The application allows the teacher to add scars and wounds to different areas of the mannequin; the student can then analyze the wounds by moving closer to the mannequin.

A mobile augmented reality application has also been developed to be used outside the simulation center, without the need for a physical mannequin. For the future of this application, we would like to develop a 3D projection application on the surface of the mannequin, so that all students around the mannequin can see the virtual elements (such as wounds), without the need to wear helmets.

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