

Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men, accounting for an estimated 20% of all cancer cases. Worldwide, 125 people out of 100,000 are affected each year.
There are different types of prostate cancer, which means that each patient must be given personalised treatment. What’s more, patients often don’t follow the recommendations for physical exercise or diet. Another difficulty is that it is important for patients to be properly informed before they undergo an operation.

The aim of the Pros-Info project is to set up a system in the form of a mobile application enabling patients diagnosed with prostate cancer to have access to information about their cancer.

The different features of the prototype are as follows :

  • Information on prostate cancer: general information, such as causes, symptoms, risk factors and treatment options.
  • Stress management: offers resources and techniques to help patients manage the stress of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. This may include advice on relaxation, meditation, managing emotions and other strategies to promote emotional well-being.
  • Appointments: allows patients to manage their calendar of medical appointments. View, plan and receive reminders for their consultations, examinations and treatments.
  • Shared Decision: facilitates discussion between a healthcare professional and a patient with the aim of exchanging information and making mutually agreed decisions about disease management. It encourages active patient participation by providing detailed information on treatment options, risks, benefits and possible alternatives.
  • Suggestions: users can find recommendations tailored to their situation.
Examples from the prototype
Examples from the prototype
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