Silver&Home Gerontopôle Fribourg: Technologies with Seniors
The Silver & Home project conducts research on gerontechnologies, for a better quality of life for seniors at home or in EMS.

The Silver & Home project of the Gérontopôle Fribourg/Freiburg, a competence center on ageing in the canton of Fribourg, seeks to improve the match between products and services developed by companies and the needs of seniors. Silver&Home collaborates with companies that offer gerontechnologies in their product or service catalog, with service providers in the field of ageing, and last but not least, with seniors, the end users of these products and services. Silver & Home is interested in different types of gerontechnologies that can be grouped around 4 main categories: security, social links, health care and mobility.
A model apartment to demonstrate and test these gerontechnologies has been recreated in the Simulation Center of the Fribourg School of Health. It can be used for professional training courses and as an awareness tool during public events. A virtual visit of the model apartment in the simulation center is available at this address (wait a few seconds for loading).
The list of products installed and tested by Silver&Home is available at this address.
Silver&Home is currently pursuing its activities with applied research projects in collaboration with swiss and foreign companies as well as with local health care providers and associations.
More information is available at www.silverhome.ch.