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Aline Lambelet



Coeliac disease is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the digestive system in response to the consumption of gluten. When a person with coeliac disease ingests gluten, their immune system reacts abnormally, causing inflammation and damage to the lining of the small intestine. The symptoms of coeliac disease vary from person to person, but generally include gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain and unexplained weight loss. The aim of this project is to raise awareness and educate the…

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Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a serious disease that can affect people of any age. It is most common in adults (70% of new cases occur in adults aged ≥60 years). In this disease, abnormal blood cells multiply rapidly in the bone marrow, replacing healthy cells. This can cause fatigue, infection, fever, bruising and bleeding. Treatment consists of chemotherapy to achieve remission, then further chemotherapy to prevent relapse, sometimes followed by a stem cell transplant. Patients placed in isolation as…

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Childhood asthma affects around one child in ten, making it the chronic disease that affects the most children in the world. As a result, many parents have to cope with it, both by administering daily treatment and by managing asthma attacks when they occur. The causes of asthma are not well known, but there are many risk factors: genetic, infectious and environmental, which can lead to inflammation of the bronchial tubes and thus cause asthma.Asthma is a common disease, with…

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Renal AR Learning Project Hub Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects around 5% of the Swiss population, of whom 0.4% are classified as “severe”. This disease is difficult to detect because it develops for several years without symptoms. As soon as symptoms appear, the disease is already in the acute stage. The people most affected are the over-65s, and the disease rarely manifests itself before the age of 45. At present, there is no cure for CKD. However, certain treatments can…

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