

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune and inflammatory disease that mainly affects the skin. Non-contagious, this condition results from an imbalance in the immune system, accelerating the renewal of the epidermis to just 3 or 4 days instead of the usual 28. This process leads to thickening and swelling of the skin, accompanied by an accumulation of dead cells. Symptoms include redness, shiny silvery flaky patches, which are itchy and can be painful.

Around 150,000 people are thought to be affected by this disease in Switzerland. The main difficulties associated with the disease are poor adherence to therapies, stigmatisation and a lack of appropriate follow-up. The needs expressed by psoriasis sufferers are information, symptom management, integration of the psychological aspect and continuity of care.

The aim of the PsoriApp mobile application is to improve the perception of psoriasis patients over 18 of the influence of their symptoms, their level of information, their psychological damage and continuity of care on their self-management of their disease.

The main features of this application are :

  • a page for completing the AMPLE questionnaire
  • a calendar to see how your symptoms are progressing
  • a self-management page for adding symptoms
  • the possibility to generate a PDF document to share with healthcare staff
  • a personalised recommendations page
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