Seinbiose is a project carried out in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Of Western Switzerland and the School of Health in Fribourg, which aims to improve the well-being of breast cancer patients, focusing primarily on alopecia, one of the main symptoms of cancer caused by chemotherapy. The main aim of the app is to improve the self-esteem of breast cancer patients and inform them in advance, so that they are not left helpless when the first symptoms appear.
Unfortunately, little or no help exists, and this application would be a first in the fight against breast cancer. The application would provide a summary analysis of the psychological state of patients, and will attempt to boost morale and enable nursing staff to keep track of them. Other features include a system of activity recommendations, a graphical display of symptom progression, a link between the carer and the patient, the ability for the carer to give advice tailored to the patient, and a symptom diary for daily records.

Elena Mugellinihttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/elenamugellini/
Elena Mugellinihttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/elenamugellini/
Elena Mugellinihttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/elenamugellini/
Elena Mugellinihttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/elenamugellini/
Omar Abou Khaledhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/omaraboukhaled/
Omar Abou Khaledhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/omaraboukhaled/
Omar Abou Khaledhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/omaraboukhaled/
Omar Abou Khaledhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/omaraboukhaled/
François Magninhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/francoismagnin/
François Magninhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/francoismagnin/
François Magninhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/francoismagnin/
François Magninhttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/francoismagnin/
Mariateresa De Vito Woodshttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/mariateresa/
Mariateresa De Vito Woodshttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/mariateresa/
Mariateresa De Vito Woodshttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/mariateresa/
Mariateresa De Vito Woodshttps://dhc3.humantech.institute/en/author/mariateresa/