

SarcoMed is a support application for patients suffering from Sarcoidosis, a rare inflammatory disease with two forms. The first is fairly benign, healing within two weeks, and not too violent. This is why this project focuses on the second form, the chronic form.

The chronic form is a rarer and more discreet form, and sometimes gives no symptoms at all, but among the symptoms that can be observed are :

  • a dry cough and abnormal breathlessness, as sarcoidosis affects the lungs in 90% of cases,
  • a skin rash and swollen lymph nodes,
  • red, painful eyes,
  • fatigue and memory problems,
  • joint pain

The disease often affects several organs, which is why the symptoms are as numerous as they are varied, and can have devastating effects if left undetected because the symptoms may not appear at the same time.

The main functions of the prototype application are :

  • symptom tracking (image below)
  • medication reminders
  • recommendations based on the state of the illness
Prototype of the interface
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