Endometracker is a project designed to help women suffering from endometriosis. It is a collaborative Bachelor’s project between the Fribourg University of Applied Sciences, Andrea Petrucci and Sam Corpataux. The aim of the project is to help women suffering from endometriosis, a disease characterised by poor development of the tissue lining the uterus, which develops outside the uterus and causes severe pain during menstruation. It can also cause involuntary termination of pregnancy and various infections, affecting between 10% and 15% of women of childbearing age. Despite this, it remains relatively unknown because it is difficult to diagnose due to its symptoms (pain is considered “normal” by many women), and involuntary termination of pregnancy may be due to other factors. It is therefore necessary to wait an average of six years before being diagnosed, given that because of the symptoms, the disease is sometimes not taken seriously by health professionals.

The main features of the prototype application are :
- an interactive calendar to record symptoms, medication and medical visits (there’s also a diagram to show where the pain is)
- an information page with advice on how to manage endometriosis,
- a statistics page showing which symptoms you have had, in which month and at what time of the month,
- it also gives the designated doctor access to the statistics, which can help to better plan treatments and correlate symptoms and treatments.